Tiga Jendela Bersaudara Foundation abbreviated as TIJENBER is a foundation engaged in education, health services and humanitarian and social services. This foundation was established on August 28, 2020 and legalized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia on September 2, 2020. This foundation was founded on the principle and attitude of loving fellow human beings from the founder of this foundation. The services of this foundation have been ongoing since the Foundation was formed and have produced work in the community and continue to develop to provide the best service.
Tijenber Group "Maju Bersama"...
How we are trusted ( Bagaimana Kami dapat Dipercayai)
About The Tijenber Groups
YAYASAN TIGA JENDELA BERSAUDARA often called Yayasan Jendela is a social foundation that was established in September 2020 legalized by Notary Nensi Simare-mare, S.H, M.Kn Notary in Nabire Papua with the approval number of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number AHU 0014794.AH. 01.04 of 2020 with three program frames namely Health, Education and socio-economic.
The foundation is managed by individuals who have a high dedication to humanity, especially for those who are marginalized and remote. The foundation starts with solutive activities as an answer to the problem
The Foundation logo is three windows lined up together. The three windows depict three program frames that are implemented in three short, medium and long periods of time. The foundation's slogan is forward together which animates togetherness in achieving a better life. Three glass windows with green leaf sprouts in the main logo depicts the hope of improving life in a better direction
Foundation Office Address Centered at NPWP. 74.120.784.9-952.0001 Center: Jl. Jayanti Wadion Kel Bumiwnorejo Nabire Papua Branch: Wokobe Street No. 1 Bomomani Village Mapia District Dogiyai Kab Phone +62 085290002960
Portofolio Education Room: What we've done ( Apa Yang Sudah Kami Kerjakan)
EDUCATION ROOM TIJENBER GROUP Conduct Extra Calass About Univesrity Exam and TOEFL, IELTS Tutoring with Professional Teachers from Indonesian and Native Speaker or Abroad Tutors
EDUCATION ROOM TIJENBER GROUP Menjalankan Kursus dan Bimbingan Belajar TOEFL dan IELT dengan Guru Indonesia dan Guru dari Luar Negeri
Excellence of the Tijenber Groups in Education (Keungulan Tijenber dalam Pelayanan Pendidikan)
"Education services provided by Tijenber are Non Formal Education such as Tutoring in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, College Entrance Test Materials, Medical and Dentistry Entrance Test Materials. So far, dozens of students have PASSED the Kalbe Khow SCHOLARSHIP as many as 15 people and the Ministry of Health's Doctor Affirmation Scholarship as many as 10 people from the interior of Papua who come from elementary and secondary schools that lack teachers so that they lack sufficient knowledge BUT Tijenber Institution is able to foster and provide tutoring so that they are able to PASS DOCTORS AND OTHER STUDIES. More special and our advantage is that we have guided Papuan inland students and passed the scholarship as well as the scholarship and the following advantages are two high school students in Papua who majored in Social Education (IPS) but passed Medicine at Gorontalo State University in 2023 on behalf of Salmon Edowai from SMA Negeri 1 Deiyai, majoring in social studies and Jhon Bunai from YPPK Nabire High School. We continue to work for the development of Papuan Human Resources "
"Pelayanan Pendidikan yang diberikan oleh Tijenber adalah Pendidikan Non Formal seperti Bimbingan Belajar Pelajaran Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, Biologi, Materi Tes masuk perguruan Tinggi, Materi Tes Masuk Kedokteran dan Kedokteran gigi. Sejauh ini sudah puluhan siswa LULUS BEASISWA Khow Kalbe sebanyak 15 Orang dan Beasiswa Afirmasi Dokter Kementerian Kesehatan RI sebanyak 10 Orang dari pedalaman Papua yang berasal dari Sekolah Dasar Menengah Yang kurang guru sehingga kurang berpegetahuan yang cukup TETAPI LEMBAGA TIJENBER MAMPUN MEMBINA DAN MEMBERIKAN BIMBINGAN BELAJAR SEHINGGA MAMPU LULUS KEDOKTERAN DAN KULIAH LAIN. Lebis Istimewah dan menjadi KUNGULAN kami adalah telah membimbing siswa pedalaman Papua dan Lulus Beasiswa sekaligus Beasiswanya dan KEUNGGULAN berikut adalah dua Orang Siswa SMA di Papua yang Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan Sosial (IPS) tetapi lulus Kedokteran di Universitas Negeri Gorontalo 2023 atas nama Salmon Edowai dari SMA Negeri 1 Deiyai Jurusan IPS dan Jhon Bunai SMA YPPK Nabire. Kami terus bekerja untuk pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) "
Chief Of Tijenber Institution
Mrs. Sastri Br. Rajagukguk,S.Pd., M.Pd
Photo of Foundation Authorization and The Logo Of Tijenber Institution
Portofolio Education Room: What We've Done ( Apa Yang Sudah Kami Kerjakan)
Welcome Speech by the Head of Tijenber Foundation Mrs. Sastri
Tutoring Classes in Remote Areas Without Internet Networks conducted Offline Classes/Kelas Bimbingan Belajar di Daerah Terpencil Tanpa Jaringan Internet dilakukan dengan Tatap Muka
Conducting the American ETS Licensed TOEFL Online Test in the Central Papua Province Region on 28 April 2021 in Nabire/Penyelengaraan Tes Online TOEFL Berlisensi ETS Amerika di Wilayah Provinsi Papua Tengah Pada Tanggal 28 April 2021 di Nabire
The Handover of Students to Campus, Represented by the Vice Rector 3 (Petrus Tekege, S.H., M.H) and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture (Mr. Stef Tumbal S.Pt., M.Si) of Wiayata Mandala University, Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Nabire (School Representative) Mr. Drs. Hasranlundu Sinaga, Tutoring Results from the Tijenber Foundation for Papuan Students from Remote Schools that lack Teachers Successfully Passed the Khow Kalbe Scholarship on 28 April 2021. /Acara Penyerahan Siswi ke Kampus, Diwakili Pembantu Rektor 3 ( Petrus Tekege, S.H., M.H) dan Dekan Fakultas Pertanian ( Bapak Stef Tumbal S.Pt., M.Si) Universitas Wiayata Mandala, Kepala Sekolah SMK Negeri 1 Nabire (Perwakilan Sekolah) Bapak Drs. Hasranlundu Sinaga, Hasil Bimbingan Belajar dari Yayasan Tijenber Bagi Siswi Asli Papua yang berasal dari Sekolah Terpencel yang kekurangan Guru Berhasil Lulus Beasiswa Khow Kalbe Pada Tanggal 28 April 2021
Portofolio Health Service: What We've Done ( Apa Yang Sudah Kami Kerjakan)
The health service provided by Tijenber Group is a home visit-based health service with the concept of One Family One Instructor ( OFFON or SAKSI in Bahasa Indonesian). Health services for each individual and each home and each family must be different so that home health services are very well developed including call-based health services with website-based media applications, whatsaap, mobile phones, radios and other communication tools according to the local area.
Pelayanan Kesehatan yang dilakukan oleh Tijenber Group adalah pelayanan kesehatan kesehatan Berbasis Kunjungan Rumah dengan Konsep Satu Keluarga Satu Instruktur ( SAKSI) . Pelayanan kesehatan bagi setiap individu dan setiap rumah dan setiap keluarga pasti berbeda sehingga pelayana kesehatan ke rumah sangat bagus dikembangkan termasuk pelayanan kesehatan berbasis panggilan dengan aplikasi bebasis media website , whatsaap, telpon seluler, radio dan alat komunikasi lainya sesuai kedaan daerah setempat.
Assisting the Local Government in Providing Vitamin A for Young Children in One of the Residents' Homes in Remote Areas of Papua/
Membantu Pemerintah Daerah dalam Memberikan Vitamin A bagi Usia Anak di Salah satu Rumah Warga di Daerah Terpencil Papua
Making Home Visits to Provide Health Services to All Family Members with the Concept of SAKSI or OFON/
Melakukan Kunjungan Rumah Untuk Memberikan Pelayanan Kesehatan Kepada Semua Anggota Keluarga dengan Konsep SAKSI atau OFON
Conducting health promotion with the I'M FINE Communication approach developed by Yohanes Tebai, Ph.D, DDS.,LLM (Health Service) which creates the right communication, influences attitudes and ensures communicants do what the communicator wants so that communication with the I'M FINE concept is very suitable for use in various approaches that aim to influence the attitudes and behaviour of communicants.
Melakukan Promosi kesehatan dengan pendekatan Komunikasi I'M FINE yang dikembangkan oleh Dr. drg. Yohanes Tebai, MH.Kes yang menciptakan komunikasi yang tepat, mempengaruhi sikap dan memastikan komunikan melakukan sesuai keinginan Komunikator sehingga komunikasi dengan Konsep I'M FINE ini sangat cocok untuk dipakai dalam berbagai pendekatan yang bertujuan mempenagruhi sikap dan perilaku komunikan.
Provide health services according to the circumstances of the target area. In Papua is divided into three zones, City Zone, Border Zone and Remote Zone. City Zone, health services are carried out by land vehicle transport services. The Border Zone is carried out by land vehicle transport and continued on foot. Remote Zones are carried out by Air Transport services, Pioneer Aircraft and or Helicopters if there is no airfield.
Memberikan Pelayanan Kesehatan sesuai keadaan Daerah sasaran. Di Papua dibagi dalam tiga zona, Zona Kota, Zona Perbatasan dan Zona Terpencil. Zona Kota, palayanan kesehatan dilakukan dengan pelayanan transportasi Kendraan darat. Zona Perbatasan dilakukan dengan transportasi kendaraan Darat dan dilanjutkan dengan jalan kaki. Zona Terpencil dilakukan dengan pelayanan Transportasi Udara, Pesawat Perintis dan atau Helicopter jika tidak ada lapangan terbang.
About Us
Tijenber Grup adalah kumpulan beberapa lembaga yakni Yayasan Tiga Jendela Bersaudara yang sepenuhnya bergerak dibidang Pelayanan Sosial Nirlaba dalam bidang Kesehatan, Pendidikan dan Sosial Ekonomi. Selain Yayasan Tiga Jendela Bersaudara terdapat juga Badan Usaha CV. Tijenber yang bergerak sebagai Badan Usaha.
Tijenber Group is a collection of several institutions, namely the Tiga Jendela Bersaudara Foundation which is fully engaged in Non-Profit Social Services in the fields of Health, Education and Social Economy. In addition to the Tiga Jendela Bersaudara Foundation there is also a CV Business Entity. Tijenber which is engaged as a Business Entity.
Contact Us
Get in touch with us for any inquiries or collaborations